Songs for rights training of trainers: an approach to children’s rights education Via SongwritiNg
(The video just got released you find it at the bottom of this blogpost) My journey to the "Songs for Rights" training was an unexpected...

Exploring the Power of Music and Technology in Social Work: A Recap of My Seminar Experience @ MHL
I'm excited to share with you that the seminar module "Musizieren im digitalen Raum" (Making Music in the Digital Space) is now...

Bye bye Slovakia
Just finished this amazingly transforming week where youth workers and #educators from Greece, Portugal, The Netherlands, Germany,...

Giving a training of trainers for Songs for Change in Slovakia this week
How can youth and community songwriting strengthen values? That's the big question we're going to try to answer in Herl'any, Slovakia...

Youth and community songwriting workshop
Honored to be amongst the guest speakers and workshop givers of the @community.music.netzwerk online salon! Enroll for the workshop and...

Getting ready for the Community Music Training
There's no more spots available for this edition of the training but you can soon enroll for March 2023!

Happy to be presenting and organizing pplg 2021
Join 190 presenters and communities from 48 countries across the fields of arts, education, research and community work! 3 days of online...

All my courses at the Landesmusikakademie NRW are Sold out! (Jan, FEB, MAR)
These are fantastic news!! My 4 courses on music instrumental pedagogics in online format are totally sold out! Here's the link to know...

Training: Mit Musik Gemeinschaft erleben / Community Music
I'm again super happy to be able to train along the amazing Marion Haak-Schulenburg this Musicians Without borders training!