Trainings, Courses and Workshops
Read more about the various courses I give throughout Europe and Latin America about community building and development through sound and play!

I give courses, workshops and trainings based own my own methodology and approach to community work, personal development, and community music on a very praxis oriented and playful learning manner. I use elements like play, improv theatre, dance, performance and installation to approach subjects like:
Community Drumming and Drum Circle
Youth and Community Songwriting
Songwriting in connection with Human Rights and Children's Rights
Community Singing / Juan's "Singing without noticing it" approach
Community Building through Music and Play
Pedagogy and Social Transformation / Inclusive Music Pedagogics
Climate engagement through music and play
Music in the Social Work
Community music as an artistic approach
Here you can see the list of all past courses and trainings I have given in the subject at institutions like:
Songs For Rights, Germany
Conservatory of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Germany
Kölner Philharmonie, Germany
UdK University of Arts Berlin
Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Germany
Offene Jazz Haus Schule Köln, Germany
Landesmusikrat NRW Germany
Community Music Netzwerk Germany
Music Mark London
Sound Connections London
All Stars Project London
Mit Mach Musik Berlin
Tontalente e.V. Lübeck, Germany
Surrey Arts UK
Colombian Youth Philaharmonic
Play Perform Learn Grow Conference in Greece
YEPP Europe
Sängerjugend im ChorVerband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. Germany
Staats-und Domchor Berlin & Sing-Akademie zu Berlin
Amadeus Lyceum Vleuten, The Netherlands
Cultuur 19 - Leidsche Rijn, The Netherlands
Musikhochschule Lübeck (Music Conservatory Lübeck), Germany
Community Music to work with people forced on the move.
I've had the pleasure of working with amazing institutions like Musicians Without Borders for their projects: Welcome Notes with the 2 times per year Training: Mit Musik Gemeinschaft erleben / Community Music Training - Ein 5-Tage-Seminar des Projektes IN.DI.E Musik and Landesmusikakademie NRW where we focus on MWB's approach to community music and the work with people on the move. But also with the project Soy Música in El Salvador and The Music Bus in The Netherlands.

Community Songwriting
This is one of my special areas of work in Community Music. I have been giving trainings and workshops for professionals searching for a tool of self expression that can be used to discuss, learn and educate about different social topics. For example Children's Rights. My latest training on the topic has been the Songs for Rights Training of Trainers at the Landesmusikakademie Berlin. To know more about this training click here:
