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Started teaching at the Universidad del Norte

I'm really happy to share with all of you that I started teaching at this amazing program of the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. Actually is a fully online continued education program whose target audience are Music Educators. I'm in charge of delivering 24 Hours of training in this intensive program that gives tools and methodologies to music educators.

The whole idea of my module is how to design strategies for online education that are sustainable and that are based on deep human connection even in a scenario sometimes as cold an impersonal as the online classroom.

I'm super happy and honoured to have been invited to join this amazing team of music education experts! 🎉 Tomorrow is my second teaching day and I'm preparing lots of cool Online dynamics and weird music activities! 🤪.

If you want to read a bit more about this program and hopefully enrol for next years edition here's more:



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